Page 10SAUCY CHICKEN FILLET FILLING (4) Chicken fillets can bemade very quickly (approximately 20 minutes), so you need tostir-fry cubed fillets with a mixture of vegetables of your choice.The following recipe, however, should help you: 750g chickenfillets (cubed) 30g butter 1 medium onion (sliced) 3/4cloves/garlic (finely chopped) 2 sprigs thyme 200g button mushrooms(sliced) 1 medium green pepper (sliced) 1 tbs flour cup milk 2 tbschopped parsley or coriander 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Heat thebutter Fry onion lightly for 1-2 minutes Stir in chicken and sautAdd garlic, thyme, mushrooms and peppers Cook uncovered and stirfrequently for 7-10 minutes Sprinkle in flour and stir well Stir inmilk and cook until sauce is smooth Season well Add green herb andallow to cool before filling pies PASTA SALAD (4) 250g hollow pastaof your choice, for example, elbow macaroni 1 stick celery 1 redpepper, seeded and diced cup cooked brown lentils or butter beans 1medium onion, sliced in rings cup raisins, soaked in 3 tbs lemonjuice, drained 1 tsp grated ginger (optional) 1 cup diced cucumber6 button mushrooms, thinly sliced 1 large tomato, seeded and dicedDRESSING: cup olive oil 1 tsp sugar 1 tsp prepared mustard 2 tbssoy sauce 3 tbs lemon juice (from soaked raisins) tsp minced mincedgarlic salt and freshly ground black pepper, as needed Cook thepasta in salted water, drain, rinse in cold water and add 1 tsp oilto prevent sticking Leave pasta to cool completely Place the restof the salad ingredients in a large bowl and fold in the pastaWhisk the dressing ingredients and pour over Toss lightly, servechilled VARIATION: Add tuna or cooked chicken (diced); cup dicedfresh apple or pineapple; cup toasted sunflower seeds SPANISHCHICKEN (4) 200g rice 2 tender young chickens (1kg each) saltfreshly ground pepper crushed garlic cup oil (preferably olive oil)6 stuffed olives (sliced) 2 green peppers (sliced thinly) 1 largeonion (finely sliced) cup tomato juice tsp turmeric 2 cups chickenstock 2 canned pimentos (optional) grated rind of lemon 2 tbschopped parsley Cut chicken into serving portions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.7. Season and saut in oil until golden brown on all sides Stir infinely chopped onion, crushed garlic and green peppers until soft(not brown) Add tomato juice, turmeric, sliced pimento and chickenstock Cover saucepan and simmer for 15 mins Stir rice into thechicken mixture Season with salt and black pepper Cover saucepanand simmer for 30 mins or until all the liquid has been absorbedand the chicken and rice are cooked Add stuffed olives Sprinklewith grated lemon rind and chopped parsley
Asha Maharaj Chicken Biryani Recipe